Monday, June 4, 2012

A Summary of the Internet

To a younger generation the internet is a form of media that seems to have always been around.  However, as media forms go, it is still relatively new.  The internet first began with government agencies.  In 1972, "the first e-mail program was created by Ray Tomlinson of BBN" (Kristula, 2009).  Later, in 1991 "the NSF established a new network, named NREN, the National Research and Education Network. The purpose of this network is to conduct high speed networking research. It was not to be used as a commercial network, nor was it to be used to send a lot of the data that the Internet now transfers" (Kristula, 2009).  Then in 1992, the World Wide Web was introduced to the world.  Since then, the internet has taken the media world by storm.  It has truly made this the information age. 

The internet now allows for quick access to information on any subject.  The internet allows any organization the ability to create a webpage that offers the public information, entertainment, networking, shopping, and a whole host of other forms of communication.  It is the backbone of digital media and communication.  It reaches more people worldwide than any other form of media can.  As such, it is also one of the most effective forms of media available.  The internet reaches an audience as diverse as the websites it shares.  Regardless of how young this tool is in comparison to many of its counterparts, it has certainly made its way to the top of media technology. 

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